Holcombe Moor Heritage Group

Upcoming Events - Page 1

A Round Up of the Best Archaeological Projects in Greater Manchester by Ian Miller - at Greenmount Cricket Club, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4DX - on Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 19:30

Ian Miller, the Director of Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service will present a talk about the latest and best archaeological projects in Greater Manchester. Admission to the talk will be £3, which includes light refreshments. The bar will be open and there will be a raffle.

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Warton Crag Revisited - Ten Years of Research and Fieldwork by Stephen King - at Greenmount Cricket Club, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4DX - on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 19:30

Stephen is a member of many local history groups in the north west and has been involved in a variety of archaeological projects over the years. He will talk about the project at Warton Crag near Carnforth, which was once thought to be an Iron Age hill fort but this interpretation may now be changing. Admission is £3, including light refreshments. The bar will be open and there will be a raffle.

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The Northern History and Heritage Fair - at Greenmount Old School, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4DS - on Sunday, March 16th, 2025 11:00

All are welcome to come to our special event to mark our 20th anniversary. We will be hosting more than 20 history groups and attractions from the North West, who will have displays about their work. The event will be a great opportunity to explore more about the history of the area and find out how you can become involved!

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Twenty Years of Holcombe Moor Heritage Group by Neil Coldrick - at Greenmount Cricket Club, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4DX - on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 19:30

2025 is the twentieth anniversary of the beginning of Holcombe Moor Heritage Group. Our dig director, Neil Coldrick will look back at our projects over this time. Admission is £3 and will include light refreshments. The bar will be open and there will be a raffle.

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