After a long hiatus we are back on Cinder Hill Field. This is our third year investigating our Medieval Iron working site in Holcombe Valley. In 2018 we discovered our well preserved bloomery furnace which carbon dating evidence suggested dated from the late Saxon period (877 - 996AD). In 2019 we uncovered evidence of the primary smithing hearth that dated to the 13th century (1265 - 1303AD) where the blooms of iron produced in the furnace were converted into bars of wrought iron. What is the significance of the difference in dates? Does our furnace really date from the late Saxon period or perhaps the charcoal sample is an example of “old wood” syndrome! And on the final day of excavations in 2019 we uncovered a second furnace, which will be the main focus of investigations during 2021.
What further exciting discoveries will we uncover in 2021?
Follow our excavations by reading our dig diary, updated after every dig day!